How To

How to Reduce Spam Email: Our Tips and Tricks Spammers are relentless in their pursuit of your email address. They will try every trick in the book to get you to hand it over, and once they have it, they will bombard you with emails until...

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The Copy Toner Scam Have you heard of toner pirating? If you have not, toner pirating is when a business gets scammed into buying toner from a fraudulent company pretending to be their actual supplier. Most times, you will never receive the toner, or if you...

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Cloud computing is a great solution for law firms, but it can be difficult to choose the best option for your business with the growing number of different cloud storage and hosting services out there. Six options, in particular, stand out from the rest: Dropbox’s...

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The term “malware” refers to viruses, worms, trojans, and any other code used to harm a computer system. Malware is a big problem for businesses. It can lead to the loss of vital information, and data breaches. However, you can fight back and protect your business...

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Ransomware is a form of malware that blocks access to data and files until a ransom fee has been paid. Ransomware is the newest in modern-day crime, and it appears in many different forms: “Cryptolocker,” for example encrypts all of your files with military-grade encryption,...

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How to Maintain Your Office Copier If you’ve ever experienced a copier malfunction, you know first hand how quickly it can bring productivity to a standstill while you wait for a repair technician to get it back up and running. While some breakdowns are unavoidable, most...

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How to Properly Donate or Dispose of Computer Hardware When you’re upgrading or updating your company’s technology, one thing to consider is what you’ll do with your old computers, servers, printers, and other hardware. Your old technology contains highly secure data as well as materials that...

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How to Organize Your Digital Files From digital I-9s and W-4s to invoices and tax information, today’s businesses are keeping most of their information in the cloud rather than in a filing cabinet. Having thousands of digital files and documents means that a file can easily...

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Incorporating a Multifunction Printer into Your Workflow When you think of workflow automation and enhancing workflow efficiency, you may not be thinking of your multi-function printer that includes scanning and copying. After all, it seems like in a digital-saturated workspace, the moment you introduce paper, your...

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